英語の文章ドリル 20230715 16:31


一言英語 : 学校で地理を観る


"I love looking out of the window in school and watching the geography of the world unfold before my eyes."



英語の長文 : 学校で地理の授業を体験する


When I was in school, I had the opportunity to take geography classes and it was an eye-opening experience. Through maps, globes, and virtual field trips, I was able to explore different countries, learn about their cultures, and understand the impact of geography on our daily lives. The lessons not only increased my knowledge but also sparked my curiosity about the world. I found myself fascinated by the diversity of landscapes, climate patterns, and natural resources found in different parts of the globe. It made me realize how interconnected we all are and how the geography of a place shapes its history, economy, and way of life. I am grateful for the chance to learn about the world from the confines of a classroom, and it has inspired my love for travel and exploration."

