英語の文章ドリル 20230713 08:02


一言英語: 学校の友達へのお土産


A small gift for my school friends.



英語の長文: 学校の友達へのお土産の選び方


Choosing a souvenir for my school friends

When it comes to choosing a souvenir for my school friends, there are a few things I consider. First and foremost, I want to make sure it is something unique and representative of the place I visited. It could be a local specialty food item or a handmade item that showcases the local craftsmanship. Secondly, I consider the practicality of the souvenir. I want to choose something that my friends can actually use and enjoy. Finally, I think about the sentimental value of the gift. I want the souvenir to remind my friends of the good times we had at school together. Taking all these factors into account, I carefully select the perfect souvenir for each of my school friends.

