英語の文章ドリル 20240727 08:00

一言英語 : 売り場の特産品を探している時にこの一言


Where can I find the special products on sale?




英語の長文 : The Joy of Finding Local Specialties on Sale


Visiting a local market during a sale can be an exhilarating experience for shoppers. Not only do you get to browse various stalls filled with fresh produce, handmade crafts, and unique local specialties, but you can also enjoy substantial discounts. These special products often represent the area’s culture and heritage. For instance, in regions famous for certain types of cheese, you might find a cheese stall offering samples and promotional prices. Shopping during a local sale allows you to explore new flavors and supports local artisans and farmers. Moreover, you might come across seasonal fruits and vegetables that are at their peak during this time, enhancing your culinary adventures while saving money. With every purchase, you contribute to the local economy and keep traditions alive. So, don't miss out on these special events; they are an opportunity to discover local delights at a fraction of the usual price!


地元の市場でセール中に買い物をすることは、買い物客にとって刺激的な体験となります。新鮮な農産物や手作りの工芸品、ユニークな特産品で満たされた様々な屋台を見て回ることができるだけでなく、 substantialな割引も楽しむことができます。こうした特産品は、しばしば地域の文化や遺産を表しています。たとえば、特定の種類のチーズが有名な地域であれば、サンプルやプロモーション価格を提供するチーズの屋台を見つけるかもしれません。地元のセール中に買い物をすることで、新たなフレーバーを探求することができ、地元の職人や農家をサポートすることにもなります。さらに、この時期にピークを迎える季節の果物や野菜に出会うことができ、美食の冒険を楽しみながらお金を節約することができます。購入するたびに地域経済に貢献し、伝統を守っていくことになります。これらの特別なイベントを見逃すことなく、通常の価格の一部で地元の喜びを発見する機会をお楽しみください!

英語の文章ドリル 20240726 12:00

一言英語 : (リラックスしたい時にこの一言)


When I need to unwind, I cuddle up with my cat and put on my favorite relaxing playlist on my device.




英語の長文 : The Perfect Relaxation Method


After a long and tiring day, there’s nothing better than coming home to my warm and cozy living room. When I step through the door, I immediately feel the soft ambiance of the lighting around me and the gentle purring of my cat who is always waiting to greet me. I grab my favorite device, a tablet loaded with soothing music and calming visuals. As I settle down on the sofa, my cat often finds her spot beside me, curling up and turning her head to look at me. We are both ready for our relaxation time. I press play on a playlist specifically designed to calm the mind and ease the stress of the day. The soothing melodies blend with the sound of my cat’s purring, creating a peaceful atmosphere. This is my sanctuary, a space filled with love, comfort, and tranquility. In these moments, I often reflect on the positivity in my life, realizing how much joy my feline friend and trusty device bring into my world. Together, we create a perfect retreat from the chaos outside, allowing me to recharge and embrace the new day ahead with a fresh mindset.



英語の文章ドリル 20240726 08:00

一言英語 : ヒーローがサッカーで勝利した時にこの一言


"Our hero just scored the winning goal!"




英語の長文 : The Hero of the Soccer Match


In the world of soccer, players often rise to the occasion, becoming heroes in the eyes of fans and teammates alike. Last Saturday, during the championship match between our local team and the rivals, one player stood out from the rest. His name was Mark, and he had been training hard every day for months in preparation for this crucial game. As the match progressed, the tension in the stadium was palpable; every fan was on the edge of their seat, hoping for victory. In the last five minutes of the game, with the score tied and time running out, Mark received a pass just outside the penalty box. With a swift move, he dodged an opposing defender and took the shot. The ball soared through the air and landed perfectly in the corner of the net, winning the game for his team. The crowd erupted in cheers, chanting his name and celebrating their hero who had brought them glory. Mark's determination and skill had turned him into a legend in that moment.

