
問題1: シンプルな日常会話(小学生レベル)

難易度: やさしい(Easy)


My name is Emily. I have a dog named Max. He is brown and very friendly. I like to play with him in the park. We often go for walks together. Max likes to chase balls and fetch them. He is a smart dog. I love spending time with him.







問題2: 学校の友達について(中学生レベル)

難易度: 普通(Medium)


I have many friends at school. One of my best friends is Sarah. We have known each other since kindergarten. Sarah is kind, funny, and always helpful. We enjoy playing sports together during our free time. We often have sleepovers and watch movies. I am grateful to have Sarah as my friend.







問題3: 旅行の計画(高校生レベル)

難易度: 難しい(Difficult)


I am planning a trip to Japan next summer. I have always wanted to visit Tokyo and Kyoto. In Tokyo, I want to visit the famous Shibuya crossing and explore Akihabara for its anime and electronics. In Kyoto, I am excited to see the beautiful temples and experience traditional tea ceremonies. I also want to try authentic Japanese cuisine like sushi and ramen. I hope my trip will be an amazing and memorable experience.







問題4: 環境問題について(大人向け)

難易度: 高度(Advanced)


Environmental issues are becoming increasingly urgent. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are some of the major concerns. It is essential for individuals, governments, and businesses to take action to protect the planet. We can make a difference by conserving energy, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices. Investing in renewable energy sources and supporting environmental policies are crucial steps. Together, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

