

問題1: 数学 難易度: 小学生向け(英語) 英語 Title: Counting Apples There are 5 apples on the table. How many apples are left if you eat 2 of them? 日本語 タイトル: りんごを数えよう テーブルの上にはりんごが5つあります。そのうち2つを食べたら…


問題1: 宇宙の不思議(小学生向け) 難易度: ★☆☆☆☆ 英語: "The stars twinkle in the night sky and the moon changes its shape. Isn't space full of wonders? Imagine floating among the planets and discovering new worlds. It would be an amazing ad…


問題1: オリンピックの出場国数について 難易度: 小学生(初級) 英語 The Olympic Games have participants from many countries around the world. Can you guess how many countries participate in the Olympics? 日本語 オリンピックには世界中の多くの…


問題1: 動物の説明 難易度: 小学生(Easy) 英語 Cats are small mammals that are often kept as pets. They have fur, sharp claws, and a long tail. Cats are known for their ability to hunt mice and birds. They make different sounds like meowing…


問題1: 小学生向け 難易度: ★☆☆☆☆ タイトル: かわいいペット 英語: I have a cute pet. It has soft fur and a long tail. It loves to play with a ball and chase after it. Every day, I feed it yummy food and give it fresh water. My pet is very fri…


問題1: ペットの名前 難易度: 小学生向け 英語: My pet's name is Max. He is a friendly and playful dog. Max loves going for walks in the park and playing fetch with his favorite toy. He also enjoys cuddling on the couch and getting belly rubs…


問題1: シンプルな日常会話(小学生レベル) 難易度: やさしい(Easy) 英語: My name is Emily. I have a dog named Max. He is brown and very friendly. I like to play with him in the park. We often go for walks together. Max likes to chase balls…


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