英語の文章ドリル 20240503 13:00

一言英語: (雑誌を読んでいる時にこの一言)


Escape into a world of imagination.



英語の長文: 天気予報と雑誌 (Weather Forecast and Magazine)


As she checked the weather forecast for the weekend, she couldn't help but notice the dark clouds looming in the distance. Despite the impending storm, she decided to relax on her porch with a cup of tea and her favorite magazine in hand. The pitter-patter of rain on the roof added a soothing background noise as she flipped through the pages, escaping into the captivating stories and vibrant images within. The contrast between the dreary weather outside and the colorful world within the pages of the magazine created a cozy and inviting atmosphere, making her forget about the storm brewing outside.

