英語の文章ドリル 20231004 23:02


一言英語 : Family is everything.


Family is everything.



英語の長文 : The Importance of Family (家族の重要性)


Family is the foundation of society, and it plays a crucial role in shaping our lives. Our family provides us with love, support, and guidance, helping us navigate through the ups and downs of life. They celebrate our successes, console us in times of sorrow, and stand by us through thick and thin. Family gives us a sense of belonging and identity, and it is where we learn important values such as respect, compassion, and responsibility. In a world that often feels chaotic, our family is our refuge, a safe haven where we can be ourselves without judgment. They are the people who know us best, who accept us for who we are, and who will always be there for us. The bonds we share with our family are precious and irreplaceable. They are the ties that bind us together, forming a strong and unbreakable connection. Family is not just about blood relations; it is about the love, care, and support we have for one another. In times of happiness and in times of adversity, our family stands by our side, offering strength and encouragement. They are our pillars of support, always ready to lend a helping hand. Family is more than just a group of people who share the same last name; it is a source of comfort, joy, and unconditional love. It is a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we are never alone. Family is everything.

