英語の文章ドリル 20240623 16:00

一言英語 : Studying for exams (学習, 上映時間, 試着についての一言)


Studying for exams is like trying on clothes: the more time you invest, the better the fit.


試験勉強は、服を試着するようなものです: 費やす時間が増えれば増えるほど、フィット感がよくなります。

英語の長文 : The Importance of Allocating Time for Studies, Movie Marathon, and Dress Fitting (学習、上映時間、試着時間の割り当ての重要性)


When it comes to managing your time, allocating sufficient time for studies, a movie marathon, and dress fitting is crucial. Just like studying for exams requires dedication and focus, a movie marathon demands uninterrupted hours of entertainment. Similarly, finding the perfect outfit entails trying on different options until you discover the ideal match. By prioritizing these activities and ensuring adequate time for each, you can achieve success in academics, leisure, and personal style.

