英語の文章ドリル 20240411 17:00

一言英語: (出身地を示す時にこの一言)


Home is where the heart is.



英語の長文: Exploring My Hometown on the Map (地図を頼りに出身地を探検する)


Growing up in a small town tucked away in the mountains, I always felt a strong connection to the picturesque landscapes and friendly faces around me. Recently, I decided to embark on a virtual journey back to my hometown using a map. As I traced the familiar roads and traced the winding river that flowed through the town, memories flooded back to me. The map led me to places where I played as a child, where I first learned to ride a bike, and where I shared laughter with my closest friends. Although miles away now, looking at the map filled me with a sense of nostalgia and warmth for my hometown. No matter where life takes me, my roots are firmly planted in that scenic town on the map.

