英語の文章ドリル 20240208 19:00


一言英語 : 瞑想が必要なときにこの一言


"In the midst of chaos, find peace within."



英語の長文 : メディアの影響によって瞑想が重要になっている


In today's fast-paced and media-driven world, the importance of meditation cannot be overstated. With constant exposure to screens, news, and information overload, our minds are constantly bombarded and overwhelmed. But amidst the noise and distractions, meditation allows us to find inner calm, clarity, and focus. It provides a refuge from the chaotic external world and helps us reconnect with our true selves. Meditation not only reduces stress and anxiety, but it also enhances our overall well-being. It allows us to cultivate mindfulness, sharpen our awareness, and develop a sense of inner peace. So in this age of information overload, let us embrace the power of meditation to find balance and serenity amidst the chaos.

