英語の文章ドリル 20231208 17:01


一言英語 : 「勝つために建築の趣味を活かせ!」


When it comes to winning, make the most of your passion for architecture!



英語の長文 : 「建築の趣味が私の人生に与えた影響」


Architecture has played a significant role in shaping my life. From a young age, my passion for designing and constructing buildings has not only brought me joy and fulfillment as a hobby, but it has also taught me valuable skills and lessons that have influenced various aspects of my life. Through architecture, I have learned the importance of attention to detail, problem-solving, and teamwork, which are crucial traits necessary for success in any endeavor. Additionally, my architectural pursuits have led me to appreciate the beauty of aesthetics and the power of creativity. The ability to visualize and bring ideas to life through drawings and models has cultivated my imagination and expanded my creative thinking. Overall, my love for architecture has not only provided an outlet for self-expression and personal growth, but it has also given me an edge in pursuing my goals and achieving success in different areas of my life.

