英語の文章ドリル 20231117 20:04


一言英語 : メディアと言語


When it comes to media, language matters.



英語の長文 : メディアと言語の影響


The influence of media on language is undeniable. As a powerful tool of communication, media platforms play a significant role in shaping and spreading languages around the world. Through various forms of media such as television, radio, and the internet, languages are not only transmitted but also influenced by cultural, political, and social factors. For example, popular TV shows and movies contribute to the adoption and diffusion of words, phrases, and accents. Similarly, social media platforms have revolutionized language usage by introducing new communication modes like emojis and hashtags. Moreover, the globalization of media has led to the rise of English as a universal language, impacting the linguistic diversity and endangering minority languages. In conclusion, media has a profound impact on language, both preserving and transforming it.

