英語の文章ドリル 20231006 13:01


一言英語 : スポーツで心をリフレッシュ


When I feel stressed or tired, I go for a walk. It helps me clear my mind and rejuvenate.



英語の長文 : 宗教とスポーツの関連性


Sports and religion may seem like two completely different things, but they actually share some common elements. Both sports and religion bring people together, create a sense of community, and provide a source of inspiration and hope. Just as religion offers solace and a sense of purpose, sports can offer a similar experience, providing individuals with a sense of belonging and an outlet for their physical and emotional energies. Whether it's the camaraderie of playing on a team or the transcendence of achieving a personal best, sports can provide a spiritual experience. In this sense, sports can be seen as a form of religion, with athletes and fans alike finding meaning, purpose, and transcendence through their involvement in sports.

