英語の文章ドリル 20230915 22:02


一言英語 : A healthy balance


Finding a healthy balance of nutrition and technology is essential for a well-rounded lifestyle.



英語の長文 : The Impact of Screen Time on Nutrition


With the increasing use of technology, individuals are spending more time in front of screens, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. This prolonged screen time can have negative effects on nutrition. Studies have shown that excessive screen time is associated with an increased intake of unhealthy foods and a decreased intake of nutritious foods. People tend to snack on processed and sugary foods while using screens, leading to a higher calorie intake and lower intake of essential nutrients. Additionally, screen time often replaces physical activity, further contributing to a sedentary lifestyle and potential weight gain. To maintain a healthy diet, it is important to limit screen time and make conscious choices about nutrition.

