英語の文章ドリル 20240701 11:00

一言英語: 犬の雑誌を読むときの一言


Paws and Pages: A tail-wagging read!


足とページ: しっぽを振る読み物!

英語の長文: 雑誌と犬の関係性 (Magazines and Dogs)


When you see a dog lounging in the sun, imagine if it could read a magazine. What articles would catch its attention? Would it flip through the pages with its paw delicately? Perhaps a feature on the latest dog treats or an interview with a famous canine athlete. Dogs might enjoy the colorful images and the scent of fresh paper. Maybe there could even be a section on human behavior from a canine perspective. Imagine the joy of a dog finding its own photo in a pet fashion spread. It’s fun to ponder the world of magazines through the eyes of our beloved four-legged companions.

