英語の文章ドリル 20240701 00:00

一言英語 : (負けることなくチャレンジする時にこの一言)


Never give up, even when the odds are against you.



英語の長文 : The Battle of Influencers: Animals vs. Humans (インフルエンサーの戦い: 動物 vs 人間)


In the world of social media, influencers play a significant role in shaping trends and opinions. While human influencers dominate the online space, there is a rising trend of animal influencers captivating audiences with their adorable antics. From cute cats to photogenic dogs, these furry influencers are giving their human counterparts a run for their money. Despite not being able to speak, these animal influencers effortlessly communicate with their followers through their cuteness and playfulness. The battle of influencers rages on, with animals proving that sometimes actions speak louder than words.

