英語の文章ドリル 20240705 06:00

一言英語 : (選手がトラブルに直面しているときにこの一言)


Stay focused and trust your training.



英語の長文 : Troubleshooting on the Field (フィールドでのトラブルシューティング)


When a player faces unexpected challenges on the field, it's essential to approach the situation with a clear mind and effective problem-solving skills. Instead of panicking, the player should take a moment to assess the issue, analyze all possible solutions, and make a well-thought-out decision. Teammates can provide support and input, but ultimately, it's up to the player to stay calm and focus on finding a resolution. By staying composed and applying their training and experience, the player can navigate through the obstacle and emerge stronger on the other side. Remember, challenges are opportunities for growth, and with the right mindset and determination, any problem can be overcome.

