英語の文章ドリル 20231215 22:01


一言英語 : バスケットボールの本を読む時に思う一言


Basketball is more than just a sport; it's a way of life.



英語の長文 : バスケットボールの本から学んだこと


I recently read a book about basketball, and it taught me many valuable lessons. One important lesson is the power of teamwork. In basketball, each player has a specific role, and when they work together as a team, they can achieve great things. This taught me the importance of collaboration and communication in any group setting, whether it's on the basketball court or in the workplace. Another lesson I learned is the value of perseverance. Basketball requires practice and dedication, and even when faced with challenges, it's important to keep going and never give up. This mindset can be applied to any area of life, not just sports. Overall, reading a basketball book has enriched my understanding of the game and has taught me valuable life lessons.

