英語の文章ドリル 20240216 11:00

一言英語 : チームプレイが重要な時に頼れる一言


"Unity is strength."



英語の長文 : インフルエンサーがコンピュータゲームの試合をする影響


In today's digital age, the rise of social media influencers has had a profound impact on the world of computer gaming and competitive esports. These influencers, with their large followings and engaging content, have the ability to shape trends, promote games, and influence the behavior of their audience. When influencers participate in gaming tournaments, their presence not only increases the visibility of the event but also generates excitement among their fans. Additionally, their skills and strategies showcased during these competitions inspire and motivate aspiring gamers, encouraging them to improve their gameplay. Overall, influencers have become powerful catalysts in the world of computer gaming, bringing players together, creating communities, and raising the level of competition.

