英語の文章ドリル 20240519 15:00

一言英語 : (ダンスの楽しさを表現する言葉)


Dance like nobody's watching.



英語の長文 : The Joy of Dancing (ダンスの喜び)


Dancing is a universal language that transcends barriers of age, culture, and size. It is a way to express emotions, connect with others, and feel alive. When you dance, you feel free and weightless, as if the world fades away and all that matters is the rhythm of the music. Whether you're dancing in a grand ballroom or in the comfort of your own home, the joy of movement and the exhilaration of letting go are always present. So, the next time you hear your favorite song playing, remember that dancing is not about perfection but about pure enjoyment and self-expression.

