英語の文章ドリル 20240216 08:00


一言英語 : (歌を歌っている時にこの一言)


Sing your heart out!



英語の長文 : 名前の重要性 (英文のタイトル)


Having a Meaningful Name

Names are more than just words. They hold deep meaning and significance, shaping our identity and influencing the way others perceive us. From the moment we are born, our name becomes an integral part of our existence, a label that accompanies us throughout our lives. It is a representation of our heritage, culture, and sometimes even our aspirations.

A meaningful name has the power to inspire and evoke emotions. It can capture the essence of our personality, values, and beliefs. It can reflect our hopes and dreams, acting as a constant reminder of what we strive for. A meaningful name can also create a sense of connection and belonging, strengthening our bonds with others who share similar backgrounds or experiences.

In a world where individuality and self-expression are valued, choosing a meaningful name is an opportunity to express ourselves and stand out. It is a declaration of who we are and what we value, a statement that resonates with others and sets us apart.

So, let us not underestimate the importance of our names. Let us choose them wisely, with thought and intention, for they have the power to shape our lives and leave a lasting impact on the world.





