英語の文章ドリル 20240126 12:02


一言英語 : 「海外で人工知能の影響を感じる場面」


  1. Technology is amazing! I was impressed to see how artificial intelligence is used in everyday life abroad.
  2. I was fascinated by the advancements in artificial intelligence that I witnessed during my international trip.


  1. テクノロジーはすごいですね!海外で日常的に人工知能が使われている様子を見て感動しました。
  2. 国際旅行中に目にした人工知能の進歩に魅了されました。

英語の長文 : 「人工知能が海外でどのように活用されているか」


In recent years, artificial intelligence has been widely adopted in various industries around the world. From autonomous vehicles to voice assistants, AI technology has dramatically changed the way we live and work. For example, in the transportation sector, self-driving cars powered by AI algorithms have become a common sight on the streets of many countries. Additionally, AI-powered voice assistants like Siri and Alexa have made our daily lives more convenient by assisting us in performing tasks and answering questions. The impact of AI can also be seen in healthcare, where machine learning algorithms are used to analyze medical data and assist in diagnosing diseases. Overall, the influence of artificial intelligence in foreign countries is evident and continues to grow, making it an exciting field to explore.

