英語の文章ドリル 20240113 16:00


一言英語 : 忘れた家賃の支払い


When you forget to pay the rent.




英語の長文 : 家賃の未払いについて


For many people, paying rent is a monthly responsibility that cannot be overlooked. However, there may be times when someone forgets to pay their rent due to various reasons. This can lead to complications and consequences for both the tenant and the landlord. When rent is unpaid, it can strain the relationship between the landlord and tenant, and may result in late fees, eviction notices, or legal action. It is important for tenants to be responsible and proactive in ensuring that their rent is paid on time. This involves setting reminders, keeping track of due dates, and communicating with the landlord in case of any financial difficulties. Paying rent on time is not only a legal obligation, but also crucial for maintaining a good relationship and a peaceful living environment.

