英語の文章ドリル 20240107 07:00


一言英語 : アーティストがキャンプでテレビを見た時の一言


I find inspiration in nature.



英語の長文 : アーティストとテレビとキャンプ


As an artist, I often find myself seeking new sources of inspiration. One of my favorite ways to spark creativity is by taking a break from my studio routine and going on a camping trip. Disconnecting from technology and immersing myself in nature allows me to clear my mind and open myself up to new ideas. The peacefulness of the environment and the beauty of the natural world never fail to inspire me. Whether it's the colors of a sunrise or the patterns of tree branches, there is always something that catches my eye and sparks my creativity. Being surrounded by nature helps me see the world with fresh eyes and encourages me to explore different artistic styles and techniques. So, the next time I feel blocked or uninspired, I know that a camping trip will provide the artistic fuel I need to get back on track.

