英語の文章ドリル 20231224 21:00

English Practice: Keywords

One-Liner: When to Use Each Phrase


  1. Are you looking for the perfect gift? Check out our selection of items at the sales floor!
  2. The client wants to see the products before making a decision on what to buy.


  1. 完璧なプレゼントをお探しですか?当店の売り場で取り扱っている商品をチェックしてみてください!
  2. クライアントは買うものを決める前に製品を見たいと言っています。

Long Text: Shopping Experience


Do you enjoy shopping? Exploring various stores or browsing online for the perfect item can be a fun experience. When you enter a store, you are immediately greeted by the sales floor, filled with enticing products. Whether you're looking for a specific item or just browsing, the sales floor offers a wide range of options. Not sure what to buy? Don't worry, the knowledgeable staff is always ready to assist you. If a client wants to see a product up close, they can simply ask a staff member for assistance. The sales floor provides a visual representation of the products, allowing clients to make informed decisions. So next time you're in need of something new, head to the sales floor and enjoy the shopping experience!

