英語の文章ドリル 20231018 15:01


一言英語 : 宗教とスポーツ (暑い日にこの一言)


When the heat is unbearable, sports can become a religion.




英語の長文 : The Connection Between Religion and Sports (宗教とスポーツの関係)


The connection between religion and sports is deeply rooted in human history. Both religion and sports serve as a source of inspiration, unity, and community. Just as religion provides individuals with a sense of purpose and meaning, sports can also offer a similar experience. The passion and devotion exhibited by fans can often be compared to religious fervor. Additionally, sports events often incorporate elements of ritual and tradition, similar to religious ceremonies. The camaraderie that is fostered among sports teams and their fans can create a sense of belonging and community, mirroring the communal aspects of religious gatherings. In some cases, sports can even take on a quasi-religious status, with athletes and sports figures becoming revered symbols of admiration and inspiration. Overall, the connection between religion and sports demonstrates the power of human passions and the ability of various activities to fulfill our deep-seated emotional and social needs.

