英語の文章ドリル 20230915 17:05


一言英語 : オンラインで友達とつながるとき


Social media connects friends online.



英語の長文 : ソーシャルネットワークの利点


The benefits of social networks

Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter have become an integral part of our daily lives. They provide us with various benefits: First, they allow us to stay connected with our friends and family members who are far away. We can easily communicate with them through instant messaging or video calls. Second, social networks also serve as platforms for sharing information and news. We can stay updated with the latest trends, events, and stories happening around the world. Third, social networks offer a space for self-expression. We can share our thoughts, opinions, and creative works with others, and receive feedback and support. Lastly, social networks provide opportunities for networking and building professional connections. We can connect with people from different industries, find job opportunities, and expand our career network. Overall, social networks have revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and interact with others, making our lives more convenient and connected.


