英語の文章ドリル 20230814 19:01


一言英語 : ショッピングに行くときの一言


"What size are you looking for?"



英語の長文 : ショッピングの際にサイズを気にする理由


When it comes to shopping, it's important to consider the right size for your clothes or shoes. Whether it's a dress, a pair of jeans, or a new pair of sneakers, wearing the right size not only ensures comfort but also enhances your overall appearance. Ill-fitting clothes can make you look untidy and unflattering, while the perfect fit can make you feel confident and stylish.

When shopping for clothes, be sure to check the size chart provided by the brand or retailer. Sizes can vary between different brands and countries, so it's crucial to know your measurements and compare them to the size guide. Remember, it's better to go for a slightly larger size that can be altered than a smaller size that won't fit at all.

For shoes, always try them on to make sure they fit comfortably. Wearing shoes that are too tight can cause discomfort and foot pain, while shoes that are too loose can lead to blisters and instability. Take the time to measure your feet and find out your correct shoe size to avoid any issues when shopping.



