英語の文章ドリル 20230703 06:02


1問目 : World Travel

難易度 : ★★★☆☆


I have always dreamt of traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures. There is something fascinating about exploring new places, trying new foods, and meeting people from different backgrounds. It opens your mind and broadens your perspective. Traveling allows you to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. It helps you appreciate the beauty of diversity and teaches you valuable life lessons. So, if you have the opportunity, go on an adventure and discover the wonders of the world!



2問目 : Learning a New Language

難易度 : ★★☆☆☆


Learning a new language is both challenging and rewarding. It requires dedication, persistence, and a genuine interest in the language and culture. However, the benefits of learning a new language are immense. It allows you to communicate with people from different parts of the world, opens up job opportunities, and enhances your cognitive abilities. Moreover, it gives you a deeper understanding and appreciation of other cultures. So, whether you're learning for travel, work, or personal development, embrace the journey of learning a new language and enjoy the doors it opens for you.

