英語の文章ドリル 20240415 21:03

英語の単語問題: Ethnic Foods


Identify the national cuisines by their famous dishes: 1. Sushi and Sashimi 2. Tacos and Enchiladas 3. Pad Thai and Tom Yum Goong 4. Moussaka and Gyros


有名な料理から国の料理を特定してください: 1. 寿司と刺身 2. タコスとエンチラーダ 3. パッタイトムヤムクン 4. ムサカとギロス

英語の長文問題: Cultural Diversity through Food


Food reflects the diversity of cultures around the world. Each ethnic group has its unique dishes, flavors, and cooking techniques passed down through generations. From spicy Indian curries to delicate Japanese sushi, these culinary traditions tell the story of a nation's history, geography, and values. Exploring ethnic foods allows us to taste the richness of different cultures and appreciate the interconnectedness of humanity through shared meals.

