英語の文章ドリル 20240403 09:00

一言英語: (ストレスを感じた時にこの一言)


When overwhelmed by stress, take a break.



英語の長文: The Impact of Internet Use on Occupational Stress (インターネット利用が職業上のストレスに与える影響)


In today's digital age, the constant use of the internet has become an integral part of many occupations. While the internet offers convenience and efficiency, it also contributes to occupational stress. Excessive screen time, constant connectivity, and the pressure to be always available online can lead to burnout and heightened stress levels among employees. Employers need to be aware of the negative impact of excessive internet use on their workers' well-being and implement strategies to promote a healthy work-life balance. By encouraging breaks, setting boundaries on after-hours communication, and promoting offline activities, employees can better manage their occupational stress and maintain a positive work environment.

