英語の文章ドリル 20240214 21:00


一言英語 : 晴れた日に試合ができる喜びを表現


On a sunny day, playing a game brings joy.



英語の長文 : 晴れた日に試合をすることの楽しさについて


Playing a game on a sunny day is a delightful experience. The warmth of the sun, the fresh air, and the excitement of the competition all come together to create a unique sense of enjoyment. Whether it's a baseball game, a soccer match, or a friendly game of tag, the clear sky and bright sunshine add an extra level of happiness to the experience. The sound of laughter and cheers echoes through the open field, creating a lively atmosphere. The players feel energized, their spirits lifted by the perfect weather conditions. They run, jump, and dive with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. The sunlight glistens off their sweaty foreheads, creating a picture-perfect scene of determination and passion. It's on days like these, when the weather is on our side, that we truly appreciate the beauty of outdoor sports and the simple pleasure of playing under the open sky.

