英語の文章ドリル 20231220 12:01

Trick or Treat with Tablets


一言英語 : A tablet for every trick


A tablet for every trick.



英語の長文 : The Amazing Tablet Project


Once upon a time, in a small town, a group of students came up with an amazing project. They decided to use tablets to teach the local community some useful tricks. The goal was to empower everyone with digital skills and make them more tech-savvy. The students organized workshops and demonstrations, where they showcased the various features and functions of tablets. They taught people how to use different apps, browse the internet, send emails, and even edit photos and videos. The project was a huge success, and the community greatly benefited from the initiative. The elderly learned how to stay connected with their loved ones through video calls, students gained access to online educational resources, and entrepreneurs discovered new ways to market their products and services. The amazing tablet project brought the community closer together and opened up endless possibilities for personal and professional growth.

