英語の文章ドリル 20231206 15:01


一言英語: 釣り


  1. Fishing is my favorite hobby.
  2. I love spending time by the water, fishing and enjoying nature.
  3. There's nothing more relaxing than casting a line into the water and waiting for a bite.


  1. 釣りは私のお気に入りの趣味です。
  2. 水辺で時間を過ごし、釣りをしながら自然を楽しむのが大好きです。
  3. 水に釣り糸を垂らして、アタリを待つことほどリラックスできるものはありません。

英語の長文: キャンプ


Camping is the perfect way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It allows you to reconnect with nature and relax in a peaceful environment. Whether you prefer sleeping under the stars or staying in a cozy cabin, camping offers a variety of options. You can go hiking, build a campfire, roast marshmallows, and enjoy the company of friends and family. It's a great opportunity to unplug from technology and spend quality time outdoors.

