英語の文章ドリル 20231118 12:01


一言英語 : 選手が文化を歌う


A sports player sings the culture.



英語の長文 : 選手と文化


Sports players play a significant role in promoting culture through their talents and actions. They become ambassadors who showcase the unique attributes of their country's heritage and traditions. Whether it's a football player celebrating a goal with a traditional dance, a basketball player incorporating cultural symbols in their performance, or a gymnast showcasing their country's traditional costumes, athletes have the power to bring cultural appreciation to a global stage. By embracing and celebrating their own culture, sports players inspire others to do the same, fostering unity and respect among different nations. Through their dedication and passion for sports, they not only excel in their athletic abilities but also serve as cultural representatives, enriching the world with the beauty of diversity.

