英語の文章ドリル 20231111 12:00


一言英語 : セキュリティの寒い話


"Better to be a bit too paranoid than not paranoid enough when it comes to security."



英語の長文 : 寒さとセキュリティ


It's a cold winter night and you're snuggled up in your warm blanket. As you sip on a cup of hot cocoa, your mind drifts to thoughts of security. You can't help but wonder how your personal information is being protected in this digital age. Are your passwords strong enough? Are your devices secure from hackers? It's a chilling thought, but one that you can't ignore. The importance of security becomes even more evident as you hear stories of data breaches and identity theft. So, you take steps to ensure your online safety. You update your passwords regularly, enable two-factor authentication, and avoid clicking on suspicious links. As you settle back into your cozy spot, you can't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that you've taken measures to keep yourself secure in this cold, digital world.

