英語の文章ドリル 20230921 16:01


一言英語 : 営業のヒーローになれ!


When the going gets tough, the tough get going.



英語の長文 : 営業ヒーローの物語


In the competitive world of sales, a hero emerges. John, a young and ambitious salesperson, faces numerous challenges every day, from fierce competition to demanding clients. But he never gives up. With his unwavering determination, he overcomes obstacles and achieves remarkable success. He understands that in sales, it's not just about making a sale, but also about building relationships and providing value. John goes the extra mile to truly understand his clients' needs, and his genuine care and expertise earn him their trust and loyalty. He becomes the go-to person for his clients, always ready to offer solutions and support. His colleagues admire him for his resilience and positive attitude. They see him as the epitome of a sales hero, someone who doesn't back down in the face of challenges but rises above them. John's story inspires others in the sales team to become heroes themselves, to embrace the difficulties and strive for greatness. They learn that being a sales hero is not just about numbers, but about making a difference in people's lives. Through hard work, perseverance, and a genuine passion for helping others, they too can become the heroes of the sales world.

