英語の文章ドリル 20230731 06:01


一言英語 : 伝統と文化を考える


When exploring a new country, understanding its traditions and culture is essential.




英語の長文 : 世界の異なる文化


The world is full of diverse cultures, each with its own unique traditions, customs, and beliefs. Exploring these cultural differences helps us broaden our perspectives and deepen our understanding of the world around us. From festivals and rituals to art and cuisine, every aspect of a culture contributes to its richness and beauty. By embracing and respecting the traditions and customs of other cultures, we foster mutual understanding and build bridges between people from different backgrounds. Cultural exchange allows us to learn from one another, celebrate our similarities, and appreciate our differences. It reminds us that although we may have different practices and beliefs, at the core, we are all human beings seeking meaning, connection, and happiness in our lives.

