英語の文章ドリル 20230723 16:31


一言英語 : When you go camping...


When you go camping, don't forget to bring a guitar. Music is the best way to connect with nature.



英語の長文 : The Importance of Privacy in the Age of Technology


In the age of technology, privacy has become a precious commodity. With our lives increasingly connected through social media and smart devices, it is crucial to protect our personal information. Privacy allows us to maintain control over our own lives and safeguard our identity. It enables us to make decisions without the fear of judgment or manipulation. In a world where data is constantly being collected and analyzed, privacy gives us the power to choose what we share and when we share it. Without privacy, we risk losing our autonomy and becoming mere subjects of surveillance and exploitation. Therefore, it is essential to advocate for privacy rights and take precautions to ensure our digital security.

