英語の文章ドリル 20240325 12:00

一言英語 : ボードゲームの友達を待ちながら。(ボード, 本)


Escape reality with a board game while waiting for your bookish friends.



英語の長文 : A Cozy Evening with Board Games and Books (ボード, 本)


As the sun sets, creating a warm glow in the room, nothing beats the coziness of curling up with a board game or a good book. The soothing sound of dice rolling or the rustling of turning pages adds to the ambiance. With a board game, you engage in friendly competition, strategizing your moves with excitement. On the other hand, a book transports you to a different world, igniting your imagination. So, whether you choose to roll the dice or turn the pages, a cozy evening awaits with the perfect blend of board games and books.

