英語の文章ドリル 20240107 09:00


一言英語 : 観光案内する時


  1. Welcome to our beautiful city! (beautiful cityへようこそ!)
  2. Can I help you find any tourist attractions? (観光名所を探すのをお手伝いできますか?)
  3. Enjoy your stay and make lasting memories. (滞在を楽しんで、長く残る思い出を作ってください。)


  1. 美しい街へようこそ!
  2. 観光名所を探すのをお手伝いできますか?
  3. 滞在を楽しんで、長く残る思い出を作ってください。


英語の長文 : テニスのルール


Tennis is a popular sport played with a racket and a ball. The objective of the game is to hit the ball over the net into the opponent's court, trying to make it difficult for them to return. The player who fails to return the ball successfully loses a point. The game is typically played in sets, with each set consisting of several games. The first player to win a specified number of games wins the set, and the player who wins a specified number of sets wins the match.

