英語の文章ドリル 20231104 15:00


一言英語 : 世話する (家族がコンピュータゲームをする時にこの一言)


  1. "Don't forget to take care of yourself!"
  2. "Make sure you're not neglecting yourself while taking care of everyone else!"
  3. "Remember to prioritize your own well-being while looking after others!"


  1. 「自分のことも世話するのを忘れないで!」
  2. 「皆を世話しながら自分をおろそかにしていないか確認して!"
  3. 「他の人の世話をする間に、自分の健康を優先することを忘れないで!」

英語の長文 : 家族とのコンピュータゲームの楽しみ方


Playing computer games with your family can be a great way to bond and have fun together. Whether you're competing against each other or playing cooperatively, it creates a shared experience and builds stronger relationships. It's important to remember to include everyone and make sure everyone feels comfortable participating. Having clear communication and being patient with each other is also key. Additionally, don't forget to take regular breaks and prioritize physical activity to maintain a healthy balance. By enjoying computer games as a family, you can create lasting memories and strengthen your family ties.

