英語の文章ドリル 20231030 07:02

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一言英語 : When the clouds gather, a leader backs up.


When the clouds gather, a leader backs up.



英語の長文 : The Importance of Backup in Leadership


In a team or organization, a leader plays a crucial role in guiding and supporting the members. Just like how a backup system protects important data from being lost, a leader provides the necessary support when challenges arise. When the sky becomes cloudy and uncertainties loom, a leader steps up to ensure the team's success. They take on the responsibility of backing up the team members and ensuring that the goals are still achievable. An effective leader understands the importance of having a backup plan and being prepared for unexpected situations. They anticipate the risks and develop contingency plans, ready to execute when needed. Ultimately, a leader's ability to backup their team instills trust, confidence, and creates a sense of security among the members. They lead by example, showing the importance of backup and encouraging others to do the same.

