英語の文章ドリル 20231022 19:01




  • When I'm feeling stressed, I go shopping.


  • ストレスを感じた時に私は買い物に行く。




Shopping is not just about buying things, it's an experience. When I walk into a store, I feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. The colorful displays, the variety of products, and the friendly salespeople all contribute to the enjoyable atmosphere. I love browsing through the aisles, touching the fabric of clothes, and trying on different outfits. It's a chance for me to express my personal style and discover new fashion trends. And of course, the joy of finding a great deal or that perfect item is unmatched. So whether I'm shopping for essentials or indulging in a little retail therapy, it's always a fun and fulfilling activity.





Art has the power to evoke emotions and inspire creativity. When I visit an art gallery or museum, I am transported to different worlds. The paintings, sculptures, and installations tell stories and convey the artist's thoughts and feelings. Each brushstroke, color choice, and composition is a deliberate decision that adds depth and meaning to the artwork. As I stand in front of a masterpiece, I am in awe of the artist's skill and talent. Art is not just something to admire from a distance; it invites us to engage and interpret. Whether I'm gazing at a classical masterpiece or marveling at contemporary art, the experience is enriching and thought-provoking.





Playing computer games is more than just a hobby, it's a form of entertainment and escapism. When I immerse myself in a virtual world, I can become a character with extraordinary powers and abilities. I can explore vast landscapes, battle fierce enemies, and solve challenging puzzles. Gaming allows me to step into someone else's shoes and experience thrilling adventures and stories. It also provides a social aspect, as I can play with friends and compete against other players online. Whether I'm racing in a high-speed car game or embarking on an epic quest in a fantasy RPG, playing computer games is a way for me to relax, have fun, and unleash my imagination.

