英語の文章ドリル 20231019 16:01

一言英語 : When the weather is bad during a mountain climb


It's all part of the adventure.



英語の長文 : The Impact of Media on Mountaineering


Mountaineering has become more popular in recent years, thanks in part to the influence of media. Social media platforms and outdoor adventure shows have glamorized mountaineering, showcasing breathtaking views and thrilling experiences. While this increased attention has brought more people into the mountains, it has also created new challenges. The pressure to capture the perfect Instagram photo or compete for the most daring climb can lead to risky decisions. Additionally, the portrayal of mountaineering as an extreme sport in the media can give a false sense of security to inexperienced climbers, leading to accidents or injuries. It is important for climbers to remember that mountaineering is not just about the photo opportunities or the thrill; it requires proper training, preparation, and respect for nature. The media can inspire and motivate, but it is crucial to approach mountaineering with caution and responsibility.

