英語の文章ドリル 20230814 16:01


一言英語 : 売り場でのコミュニケーション


  1. Can I help you find anything?
  2. Are you looking for something specific?
  3. How can I assist you today?
  4. Is there anything in particular you are interested in?
  5. Let me know if you need any help.


  1. 何かお探しですか?
  2. 特定のものをお探しですか?
  3. 今日、お手伝いできることはありますか?
  4. 特に興味のあるものはありますか?
  5. 何かお力になれることがあれば、教えてください。


英語の長文 : 外国語を話す必要がある売り場での仕事


In a retail setting where language skills are required, employees must be able to communicate effectively with customers who speak different languages. This can be accomplished by providing multilingual signage, hiring staff who speak multiple languages, or using translation devices. Additionally, employees should be trained in basic phrases and greetings in different languages to make customers feel welcome. By overcoming language barriers, a retail store can create a more inclusive and customer-friendly environment.

