
タイトル: ショッピングの楽しさを伝える

難易度: TOEIC650点 を想定して作成


"Exploring the vibrant world of shopping is an exhilarating experience that satisfies both our desires and curiosity, unveiling a plethora of choices and uncovering hidden gems. From stylish boutiques to bustling markets, each shopping expedition becomes a delightful journey of self-expression and discovery, creating lasting memories and unique connections with the places we visit."






タイトル: 未来への挑戦

難易度: TOEIC800点 を想定して作成


"In a rapidly evolving world, embracing the spirit of innovation becomes paramount for individuals and businesses alike. Embracing change, adopting cutting-edge technologies, and fostering a culture of constant learning enables us to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing challenges, we unlock our true potential, overcome obstacles, and pave the way for a brighter future. The future belongs to those who dare to challenge the status quo and transform possibilities into realities."

